In line with justification, is sin and sanctification, which are logical progressions of the idea that righteousness belongs to God. Given the fact that what prompted the composition of this entire document was the questioning of others; addressing the most common question, of sin and morals seems fitting. Though, it may not be necessary to have a section of this discourse devoted to a conversation on sin, it is the one theological issue central to most of my debates with other people. Further, I touch on sin throughout this discourse; yet, I want to reiterate that I affirm the existence of sin. Truthfully, my stance on sin is the only matter I feel I have to defend. As a Lutheran, I believe in a world where sin and righteousness exist at the same time. Surprisingly, it is Christians that put me on the defensive about this issue. It is important to remember that I hold to a position that insists that all facets of my salvation stem from God – no work of my hands negates that I am a sinner. On the other hand, the fact that I am a sinner does not abate the truth that I am made righteous through the gifts of God. In spite of that fact my morals continue to be the subject of debates that lead to the conclusion that I must not believe anything – such an assertion is clearly false. Proclaiming a doctrine of grace over sin does not make one a nihilist.
“As though we knew not, that the world is the kingdom of Satan, where, in addition to the natural blindness that is engendered in our flesh, and those most wicked spirits also which have dominion over us, we grow hardened in that very blindness, and are bound in a darkness, no longer human, but devilish” (The Bondage of the Will, Martin Luther).
In receiving the gifts of God – faith and grace – thereby recognizing one’s dependence on God and the work of the cross for salvation; the gift of faith prompts a response in the believer; this sanctifying response is known as repentance. In other words, one ought, not, to enjoy the fact that sin and righteousness exist in the world together – otherwise, one hinders the response part of faith. The reason faith is a gift is because it allows us to repent from the effect of sin. Hence, I am telling you that I believe we live in a world where sin exists and though grace justifies me in the sight of God; it is the response of faith, in repentance, that sanctifies me in the sight of God. All-in-all, these things are gifts of God and without God I am helpless.
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